Saturday, May 26, 2007


Dear all,
I have set the comments' settings so that everyone can post their comments even if they don't have a Google account. So feel free in commenting my posts.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Package of events

I just don’t know what to write about today. During these last few days, I went through many things that made it difficult to write about. Yesterday was the final day in my internship and the UITS staff held a party for us internships’ students. It was very nice from them. I even didn’t imagine they will know that it is the last day. We even met Mr. Hussain other face. He wanted to farewell so he came to our office to talk to us. Actually he gave us very good advices. We even sit longer time than ever with banner girls and Mona to have our last conversation and to farewell them. Amal “My best friend” passed by our office. We introduced her to the banner team. Eida surprised me with her E-card that she created to thank me. I was very happy that made the tears come out of my eyes. Obviously I have replied her email with another email that has an E-card that I made especially for her. There are many things I want to write about them and can’t remember. Until now, I can’t imagine that on Sunday I will not walk in the ITC’s passageway, will not see Jumana’s smile in the morning, will not see Aziz and will not see my sisters there. Currently, I am working in my report and presentation. Wish me good luck.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I hate ends. Wherever there is an end there is tears and farewells. I wanted to write about this in the end of this semester but Yamna made me wrote it today. I have decided to erase from my mind that this week is the last week in my internship cause I wanted to finish it without any depression. Salama, Yamna, Fatima "Banner", Fatima "Network", Hamda and Mona, I really enjoyed the internship with them. Salama was the first one who I talked to in the every morning after Mariam. She was very nice, polite, friendly and encouraging. She was the first one that I have treated comfortably. By knowing her I have met the other girls in the banner team. I just can’t mention all our adventures and all what she did for me. Yamna the kindest girl I ever met. She likes to help every one even those who she didn’t know. I have several situations with her that I feel really shame of her. Fatima "Banner", funny and kind girl. She is that type of people who always give positive feelings every time you met her. Also, I shocked when I discovered that she and Yamna are sisters. I have heard that Yamna has a sister called Fatima in the ITC but I didn’t think that Fatima "Banner" is the one that they were talking about. It is quit nice surprise for me. Hamda is a quiet and understandable girl. Although there are few times I have been with her but you can sense all this from her way of talking and dealing. Fatima "Network" was very nice, helpful and friendly with me and Eida, and I will never forget her help. Mona is the most interesting girl I ever met. Although I have met her in the last month of my internship but I have heard about her before so it was really an honor to meet her. When you talk to her you will feel that you know her for along time. Although I have talked about all of them but I still feel I need to write more about them so that you can see how wonderful they are. Hope you all the best sisters. I will never forgot you.

Monday, May 21, 2007


My "Wishes", I really hope them to become true very soon. In every day, they may increase and decrease to certain reasons. But that does not mean that I have abandoned them, it is because of some circumstance. Today, I have heard from someone that, sometimes the person needs to sacrifice some of his wishes to reach the others, for example, a woman needs to stay at home so that she can have a happy and steady life. I asked my self: Is it true?!! Why can't I reach to all my wishes?! If that true, then why do I have to wish from the beginning?!! And what the meaning of dreaming and wishing?! Does it mean even if a woman worked very hard in her home and in her career, her dreams will not become true and she will not be happy?! When I was thinking about this, I remembered my sister “Aysha” and how she is working very hard to study and to prove that she can do every thing by herself even if she can’t see very well. Although, every day her sight may decreased more than before, she don’t complain and continue to be strong in front of us and in front of her sickness. Then I said to my self, all our dreams will become true if we worked for all of them.
P.S: Next week Aysha will have a surgery for her eye, so if you don’t mind supplicate and pray for her!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


منذ أن بدأ تدريبي في مركز تقنية المعلومات بالجامعة ... تعرفت على كثير من الموظفات اللواتي سيصعب علي تركهن في نهاية التدريب. بطبيعتي أحب أن أتعامل مع أي شخص أعرفه بحرية و بدون أي رسميات .. و هذه هي طريقة تعاملي مع هؤلاء الموظفات.. و لكن بالتأكيد طريقة معاملتي لهن تختلف ب 180 درجة عن صديقاتي بالدراسة ... حيث إنني في معظم الأحيان أقوم بما يجعل الواحدة فيهن تتمنى لو لم تكن معي "أقصد صديقاتي"... بمعنى آخر "أطفربها"... إلا أنه في الفترة الأخيرة وقعت إحدى الموظفات ضحية لهذه المعاملة من دون قصد مني .... بالرغم من سعة صدرها "المسكينة" فأنا لازلت ألوم نفسي على ما حدث .... كنت أنا و عيدة في ذلك الوقت نتناقش في أمر التقرير الذي سنرفعه للدكتور... إلا أننا وصلنا إلى نقطة كانت عيدة قد تشوشت أفكارها عندها .. و بينما كنت أحاول أن أوضح لعيدة ما كنت أريد أن أقوله.... رن هاتف "ليلى" في المكتب المجاور ... حيث أنا مكاتبنا صغيرة جدا و يمكننا حتى التحدث مع بعضنا البعض و إن كانت كل واحدة منا في مكتبها .... فجأة نادى علي صوت من مكتب "مريم" و "شيخة" لم أنتبه لمن هو ... فقلت بحدة: هاه !! فقال الصوت: هذا تلفونكم اللي يدق؟؟ فرددت أيضًا بحدة: لا ... ظننت أن ذلك الصوت كان لمريم أو شيخة ... و بعد أن انتهيت مع عيدة من موضوعنا عاد ذلك الصوت نفسه ليقول: من فاز ؟؟ ... قلت بغرور: أنا !! و عندما ذهبت إلى مكتب مريم و شيخة لأكمل حديثي عن الموضوع تفاجأت بأن "يمنة" الموظفة المسؤولة عن تدريبهما كانت موجودة هناك ... فإذا بي أذهب إلى مريم لأسألها : إنتي اللي سألتيني الأسئلة قبل اشوي ؟؟ فردت علي: لا .. يمنه يحليلها هي اللي سألتج و كنتي بتاكلينها !!! ياااااااااااااااااااه وافشلتااااااااااه ... فإذا بي أعتذر ليمنة عما بدر مني ... فقالت لي: خفت بعد اشوي ألقى كتاب أو نعال فوق راسي !! ... اعتذرت لها تكرارا و مرارا على ذلك الموقف ... بينما كانت مريم و عيدة و شيخة يضحكن علي ... إلا أنني لم أتعلم درسا من تلك الحادثة و وقعت يمنة المسكينة ضحية مرة أخرى .... و مع كل ما فعلته كانت يمنة ذات قلب طيب و متفهمه ... ياااااااااه يا يمنة .. و الله و افتشلت فيج ..... واااااااااااااااافشلتاه فيج

Friday, May 18, 2007

التسوق و دوار الكرة الأرضية

كلما أرادت إحدانا "أنا و أخواتي الإثنتين و والدتنا" الذهاب إلى التسوق، كنت لابد أن أكون مرافقة لهن في معظم الأحيان. بالرغم من إني أحب التسوق إلا أنني لست من النوع الذي يستمتع بقضاء وقته جله في التسوق ... لكن عندما أجبر للذهاب لفترة طويلة .. أنتهز الفرصة لأتأمل مدينتي الرائعة ... ما إن أشاهد دوار الكرة الأرضية و هو يعرض الأوقات في دول عدة ... أنسى الملل و الضيق ... و كلما تأمل المنطقة القريبة من مسجد الشيخة سلامة ... لابد أن ترتسم البسمة على وجهي .. مما يجعلني أعيد الكرة كل مرة و أذهب مع أخواتي للتسوق، فليس من المعقول أنا أفوت على نفسي مشاهدة مناظر لا يمكنني أن أتمتع بمشاهدتها كل يوم.

First step in my blog

Finally, I opened my own blog. I have been thinking on this decission for a long time.
I thought that I need a place that I can write about my thoughts, any special events, and any thing happened to me. Although this is not my first time to have a blog, I wanted to start one that I don't feel that I restricted in blogging. For me, who like to share her thoughts, designs and all the things she likes, I have found its difficult to be without any blog.
By the way, this blog is a secret from all my friends. ;) I wanted them to discover it without me telling them. So, I am waiting for you girls.
Any way, welcome every body in my blog. Wish you like it.