Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ends & Beginings

Finally!! Summer starting and Spring 2008 semester finished. Although spring semester was a heavy one specially with my senior project, every thing finished nicely and I got nice grades. During spring semester, CITA “Collage of Information Technology Association ” held a graduation party. It was the best graduation party I ever attended. Every track prepared some videos for the party that showed how we were working hard and how students life in CIT ”Collage of IT” is. Think it was a memorable party for everyone.
Me & my group decided to continue our senior project during the summer. Actually, we really enjoyed working on it and we hope if we can participate in conferences to publish it. I don’t know if I talked here about it. It is about controlling a robotic arm through motion capture system. If you don’t understand what I just said, just go to google and search about tele-presence and you will know the general idea.
I had other several plans for the summer. However, I ended up choosing to take summer courses. I chose to take Basic Biology and Operating System. These two courses are the last courses that are required by my collage. Although spring semester has just finished, I feel energetic and optimistic… Hope this will continue ^_^.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


أغرى امرؤ يوماً غلاماً جاهلاً * * * بنقوده كيما ينال به الضرر
قال ائتني بفؤاد أمك يا فتى * * * ولك الجواهر و الدراهم والدرر
فمضى و أغمد خنجراً في صدرها * * * و القلب أخرجه و عاد على الأثر
لكنه من فرط سرعته هوى * * * فتدحرج القلب المعفر إذ عثر
ناداه قلب الأم و هو معفر * * * ولدي حبيبي هل أصابك من ضرر
فكأن هذا الصوت رغم حنوه * * * غضب السماء على الفتى قد انهمر
ودرى فظيع خيانة لم يأتها * * * أحد سواه منذ تاريخ البشر
فارتد نحو القلب يغسله بما * * * أجرت دموع العين من سيل العبر
و يقول يا قلب انتقم مني و لا * * * تغفر فإن جريمتي لا تغتفر
و إذا غفرت فإنني أقضي انتـ * * *ـحارا مثل من قبلي انتحر
فاستل خنجره ليطعن قلبه * * * طعناً سيبقى عبرة لمن اعتبر
ناداه قلب الأم كف يداً و لا * * * تطعن فؤادي مرتين على الأثر