Monday, October 29, 2007

Midterms period

I have started my midterms last weeks :' (. In addition there are many deadlines for homeworks, assignments and labs submitions. Everythings is getting crazy and all things should be finished quickly. I even don't have time to write all the events I went through here :' (.
Any way, wish me good luck in my midterms exams.
P.S: For all my sisters in CS track wish you the best in your midterms ^_^.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Eid's Vacation

During Eid’s vacation, I had many things to do. However, I have decided to grab this chance and relax my self. I told my self this chance will never come again. However, there were some deadlines to submit some assignments. I didn’t go to any where accept on Sunday I went to Hafeet Mountain Peak. This trip was very enjoyable, especially if you know that all the people who went were young. The reason is this trip came so sudden, so our parents were busy and couldn’t go. So it was a good chance to teas my younger brothers “though all my brothers who went with me that day were younger than me :p” and talk with them about stupid things :D. I didn’t go to Hafeet Peak since 1997. It is long enough to forget about it (lool). I have took some pix but they were not good enough. The weather there was very nice there. There was something that surprised us there. We have found a cat that was looking for food. We know that cats are every where, but to find a cat on such a place is very rare. After sharing some of our food with the cat we decided to leave. Shortly, we went to Mobazzarah Lake, but we didn’t stay there for so long and left. For the rest of the days, I was listening to anashed and finishing some HWs. Next week I will start my classes again. I really miss my sisters there. Here is one of anashed I was listening today wish you like it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Eid

Just wanted to congratulate you all for Eid Al Feter. So,


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

فن راقي بكل معنى الكلمة

أدري من زمان ما دشيت اهني ... و من زمان ما كتبت شي .... لكن كل اللي في بالي في هالفترة هو معاناتي مع الكلية و الدراسة
تحدثت من قبل في مدونة سابقة لي عن الفن الهادف، و قد ذكرت أحد رواد الفن الهادف و هو سامي يوسف
و اليوم لن أتحدث عن الفن الهادف ، بل سأكتفي فقط بإضافة مقطع لفيديو كليب جديد للمنشد سامي يوسف
من قرأ ما كتبته في السابق ... سيكتشف إني قصرت بحق هذا الفنان الرائع . و أما من لم يقرأ .... فأنصحه بمشاهدة المقطع التالي ليكتشف بنفسه روعة ما يقدمه فناننا